


Historical Combat : Y-WING #6

Interception and Capture

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 Mission 6: Interception and Capture

 File Name: ackbar
 Mission Briefing
 This mission re-creates one of the most dramatic moments in Alliance history. You play a critical role in the rescue of the great Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar.
 Dafid's Training Objective
 "This is your 'final exam' for the Y-wing. You have to use pretty much all your skills, particularly your ability to identify and disable a ship, and then protect the other mission participants until they complete their jobs. You have to move quickly and efficiently to find Ackbar's shuttle in time and then destroy anyone who tries to attack it or the Hasti."
 Tactical Summary
 Five Imperial shuttles with TIE fighter escorts are en route to the Frigate Vehemence. One of them is carrying the Calamarian leader Ackbar.
 Use the normal mission start sequence. Query the CMD for the nearest TIE fighter and engage with lasers. This fighter is part of a group of three, so if your marksmanship is good, you can take out two on the first pass. Try to get as many as you can as quickly as possible, but don't waste too much time chasing them around.
 Target the first shuttle and switch to torpedoes. Fire a single torpedo as soon as you have a lock, and then target the next. Proceed to launch one torpedo per shuttle, and then switch to ion cannons. Select dual-fire mode and make sure that they are fully charged. Now carefully close in on the shuttles to identify them. This maneuver requires getting very close, so try to adjust your speed accordingly and be careful.
 When you have identified the shuttle carrying Ackbar, use your ion cannons to disable it. This should require only two or three shots. The Rebel shuttle Hasti will have arrived and should be attempting to dock. Your job now is to protect it. Stay nearby and eliminate any TIE fighters that come close. Watch for T/F Gamma, in particular, because its primary target is the Hasti. When the Hasti escapes into hyperspace, the mission is complete and you can hyper out yourself.
 Win Conditions
 SHU Hasti must board SHU Epsilon 5 and then survive.
 Mission Note: SHU Epsilon 5 is always the one carrying Ackbar, and it is always in the same position on the target list in the CMD. Also note FG #6 should be Planet 9.





Last Update 15/Jul/2000