


Historical Combat : Y-WING #5

Escape from Mytus VII

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 Mission 5: Escape From Mytus VII

 File Name: wyresc2
 Mission Briefing
 This mission shows why the Y-wing is considered the most versatile starfighter in the galaxy. You learn to escort Alliance ships while engaging Imperial forces.
 Dafid's Training Objective
 "The Y-wing is well stocked with firepower. Use it, and use it wisely. Get in the habit of switching from torpedoes to cannons as the situation requires. You're on escort duty, so keep those ships protected and alive. Don't let anybody shoot them."
 Tactical Summary
 Use the normal mission start sequence. Target the transport and switch to torpedoes. Select dual-fire mode; as you close, the targeting computer registers a lock on the target, but don't fire any torpedoes from this angle! Notice that the transport is shielded by the sides of the freighter. The transport needs three minutes to successfully board the freighter, so switch back to lasers and query the CMD for the nearest enemy fighter. Try to kill at least one as you pass by on your way toward the freighter. Switch back to torpedoes and maneuver for a shot at either end of the transport. Note that it is docked and stationary, so you don't have to wait for the red lock-on signal. Instead, just a few seconds of yellow or even a point-blank shot will do the trick. Now get back to the TIE fighters and destroy them all.
 An Imperial Frigate will appear two minutes after you attack the transport, and begin launching TIE fighters and more transports. The Rebel shuttle Mercy will have docked with the freighter by this time, and you must stop the transports before they can interfere with the rescue. Note that there are a total of three enemy transports and that each requires two torpedoes to kill. After you have eliminated these, switch back to lasers and finish off the TIE fighters. As soon as the Mercy makes it into hyperspace, you get the Mission Complete message.
 Win Conditions
 SHU Mercy must board FRT Hampton and then survive. TRNs Omicron 1, 2, and 3 all must be destroyed.





Last Update 15/Jul/2000