


Jedi Dawn No.11
Operation Skyhook Phase3 : Super Laser Plan

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 You're in the Blue Zone, in the upper part of the accomodation area. So far so good. You check out the area, and realise that Druth Anamor - Facet's father, and the Head of Research at the Station - has a large apartment just along the hall, while Diamond's living quarters are just inside the door from the Green Zone. At the end of the building, a private elevator descends down towards a walkway, which connects to both the Communications Centre and the main labs.

Jedi Dawn
# 342
 The door into Druth Anamor's quarter is locked, but you fry the electronic keypad, and it jolts open on the short-circuit. The room that appears before you is very - red. Druth Anamor's quarters aren't anything like his daughter's. Instead of fluffy cushions and floral prints there is just red slik, red satin, red steel. Just about the only thing in there that isn't red is you, the glowing computer terminal on the desk, and Druth Anamor himself.
 The man is not a walking advertisement for a career in applied science. His skin is deathly white, mottled in places with grey marks, like bruises without any colour. He has a brutal slash of a mouth, like a scar, set with jagged yellow teeth. As for his body, as he rises to his feet you see that it is thin and wasted, and that he wears an exoskeleton to help him move. You hear the servos whine as they propel him stiffly to his feet. His eyes glisten with excitement. You notice they are very pale, almost as colourless as the rest of him.
 "Yon must be Havet Storm," he rasps. "My daughter told me all about yon." You've never been keen on meeting girlfriends' parents, and now you know why. Druth moves closer, taking painfully slow steps. "Is she here?" you ask, glancing anxiously at the other doors. "No, we're alone. I think she hopes to catch up with you later." Right.
 "So, you've decided to join the Rebel Alliance?" He pronounces the word "rebel" as if it hurts him to say it. "You? A Jedi?" What?! How did he know that? "We've learned a great deal about you over the last few hours, Havet Storm. I must say, l'm surprised to find that you would take the side of rebels against your master, the Emperor, and his dark lieutenant, Darth Vader."
 It's been quite a surprise for you too.

Jedi Dawn
# 367
 You are within an ace of getting the information you need. Linked to the main lab database, Anamor's terminal has accessed the files, and the password system has tumbled thanks to your rapid rewiring of Ta'al Pierc's patch program. You've even found some disks to copy the information onto, and stored them in the output magazine. Now there's just a last, annoying prompt, a mysterious blinking cursor asking for - what?
 And then it hits you. You know just what this is. The tracker ball attached to Anamor's terminal is aiso a DNA reader - it needs his finger on the button. He has backed away from you, almost to the far side of the room. Perhaps, you could wrestle him overhere?

Jedi Dawn
# 376
 Then it occurs to you - there's no need to have Anamor's DNA. You unplug the tracker ball, and pull Arf from his home in your coat. Slipping open the hatch on his interface panel, you unspool a connection, and plug him into the terminal. Then you place your finger on the DNA reader on his back. Arf comes to life, barks happily, and sets about by-passing the terminal's own reader. Seconds later, the data transfers itself onto the disks, and you have the super laser plans in your hands. You find a transit tube on the floor by the desk and drop them in.
 Behind you, Druth Anamor issues a roar of rage. "Shur up," you snap, turning round to face him, "there's nothing you can do -"

Jedi Dawn
# 400
 You have the plans for the death star's super laser. This is the clincher as far as the Rebels' plans go. Now all you have to do is to get them to the Communications Centre, and have Vermilion transmit them up to Princess Leia.

Jedi Dawn
# 608
 At a speed you wouldn't have believed possible, Druth Anamor leaps across the grossly decorated room, his taloned hands reaching for your throat. All that slow, agonised movement you saw when you first arrived was faked - the exoskeleton propels him faster than a landspeeder! You crash to the floor, almost buried under his weight. He has one hand fixed on your throat, and the other poised over your face. An ugly, barbed probe protrudes from his fist. He starts pushing down, and it takes both of your arms to hold his one, servo-assisted hand back. "In times past," he grunts, "they used to drill holes in the heads of mad people, 'to let the demons out.' What demons are there in your head, Storm? Shall we find out?"
 Add your Strength score (from your Charaeter Sheet) to 400. That is the number of the paragraph you should read next. So, if your Strength is 4, you wonld read 444. Feel free to spend any Jedi Power Points you have left to increase your Strength score for this struggle

Jedi Dawn
# 380
 Druth Anamor tries to drive the probe into your head, but you kick out with your legs and lever him over to one side. He crashes to the floor, hard. Moments later, you are both on your feet, ready to do battle, breathing hard. "I underestimated you, Storm," he gasps. "Never mind," you reply. "It's the last mistake you'll ever make."

Jedi Dawn
# 405-406
 You must fight Druth Anamor. The combat starts Up Close. He is a poor fighter, with a Combat Skill of just 1. However, you need to score 11 to hit him, because of the tremendous speed and power the exoskeleton gives him.

Jedi Dawn
# 610
 Even with the aid of his powerful exoskeleton, Druth Anamor is no match for you. The mad old scientist collapses, breathing his last out on the floor. "Diamond..." he gasps. "Revenge..." You grip him by his lab coat, and give him the once over to make sure he hasn't got any more concealed weapons. A small key tumbles to the floor. You pink it up. "She'll get her chance," you tell him, as you watch him die. It's as if someone somewhere closes a door on a chilling and evil wind. You feel warmth creep back in to your tired limbs.
 Even as you consider your options, the room shakes. A violent explosion rips through the building nearby. The Rebels must be close, and their explosive charges are already threatening to take this place apart. The terminal screen dies as power is shut off. "Fair enough. I have an appointment with Diamond anyway," you say, heading for the door. Outside, smoke is starting to fill the passage, and you trot with due pace to the elevator at the end of the hall.

Jedi Dawn
# 362
 You have the elevator key from Druth Anamor's room.

Jedi Dawn
# 606
 You enter the elevator at the end of the Blue Zone.

Jedi Dawn
# 378
 You slip the key you found in Druth Anamor's room into the waiting lock, then key for the ground floor. The elevator descends quickly. The doors open on a covered area, just outside the main building. Two covered walkways extend away from you. One leads to the distant Research Labs, a brutish-looking building about a kilometre away. A small electrically-powered cart sits close by, but you find that its batteries have been drained, and it isn't connected to the charger. No easy ride, then. The other walkway leads to the much nearer Communications Centre, a white structure, bristling with antenna and dishes.
 The sounds of battle are closer than ever.

Jedi Dawn
# 396




Last Update 03/Apr/1999