


Jedi Dawn No.10
The Imperial Research Station #3

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 Driving quickly, you reach the vicinity of the Imperial Research Station in no time. You park the vehicle on a side street, and then go looking for Vermilion. As you suspected, once Rebel eyes have spotted you on the street, someone is sent to find you.
 Vermilion has set up his HQ in an ice cream parlour. He isn't there when you arrive, but Carmine is. You get the idea that Carmine is some kind of deputy of Vermillon's. He fidgets with his scarf as you tell him what happened outside Facet's apartment. "Fancy an ice?" he asks, rummaging in a chill cabinet. "No," you reply. "Yon haven't got a Star Racer in there, have you?" He hasn't.
 "So, you can't get inside the Station?" he asks after a while "Not unless you have a clever idea," you answer. The meeting with Facet was the only plan you had. Why wasn't she at her apartment? "Well, we'll just have to take our chances." Carmine signals to an aide "Give the word, we're going to attack at Once."
 You join a Rebel group planning to hit the main Reception Building. The last moments pass agonisingly slowly. At last you hear a buzz through the headset of the helmet you have been given, and you set off. clutching a blaster rifle. The attack is on!

Jedi Dawn
# 294
 Heavy weapons open fire in the distance. The Rebel attack on the IRS has started. You have about 30 minutes left to fulfil your mission!

Jedi Dawn
# 595
 It's a shame you have failed to achieve your part of the Rebels' plan. Someone on the inside at the IRS would have been useful. Still, at least Diamond is out of the way.

Jedi Dawn
# 599
 The Rebels have armed you with a Merr-Sonn G8 blaster rifle. It has more hitting power than your regular blaster. If you come across a circumstance in which you would suffer a penalty in trying to hit something because it is armoured, using the G8 reduces the penalty by one. So, you still need to score 7 to hit an unarmoured security guard, but only 8 (instead of 9) to hit a stormtrooper.

Jedi Dawn
# 600
 The attack starts well enough. The security guards in the Reception Building are bowled over like ninepins in a huricane. Stepping over fallen bodies, and crashing through the gates, you follow two other Rebels into a computer facility on the first floor. Two desperate Imperial Officers and a stormtrooper attempt to block your path.

Jedi Dawn
# 288
 You are in a big firefight inside the IRS Reception Building. On your side, there's you, and two other Rebels armed with blaster rifles. They both have Combat Skill 2; they need to score 7 to hit the Officers or 8 to hit the stormtrooper. Use the dice or cards to decide who they shoot at - on a 1 or 2, it's the stormtrooper; any other result means they fire at an Officer.
 On the Imperial team there are two Imperial Officers, armed with blasters - they have Combat Skill 2, and need to score 7 to hit any of you. The stormtrooper has Combat Skill 3; he needs the same score. Again, use dice or cards to decide who they shoot at - on a 1 or 2, you're the target; any other result means they fire at one of the other Rebels.
 The combaf starts At Range.

Jedi Dawn
# 601
 The password bypass patch which Ta'al Pierc placed on the Research Station computer can be activated from any networked terminal in the IRS building. Not every terminal gives you access to all programs, however.

Jedi Dawn
# 555
 After a brisk fight, the Rebels take control of the computer room. As you draw breath, an idea pops into your head. You leap into a seat in front of a console. "Come on, Havet!" yells one of the other rebels, "we don't have time to play computer games now!"
 "Leave me!" you shout. "I've had an idca!" A Rebel Officer arrives, bleeding from a head wound. "Havet! - the Imperials are regrouping! Diamond got loose, and she's back directing their defence. We need every man!" You don't even look up. "If this works, I can do more damage my way. Check with Vermilion - he'd understand!" Cursing your name, the Rebel Officer departs.
 The original plan was that you should get yourself on the inside. OK, so things didn't work out perfectly, but you have thought of a way round it. These computers control the security badges all the Imperials wear. What if you were to activate one? Wouldn't that mean you could wander anywhere you wanted in the building? Maybe find Facet Anamor, or her father?
 Using the password patch Ta'al Pierc had placed on the Imperial computer, you break into the security badge program. You slip your badge into the slot beside the console, and it pops out moments later, officially activated. OK. Now all you need is a uniform from one of the dead guys, and you're in business!

Jedi Dawn
# 316
 You have activated your metallic security badge.

Jedi Dawn
# 604
 You have a metallic green card. This is a part of the security system at the IRS. You listen to an explanation of how it works. The Station is divided into three different zones for Security purposes - Green, Blue and Red. Sensors monitor all personnel and visitors throughout the complex. Only those wearing a badge are permitted within the complex at all. Only those with blue or red badges can enter the Blue zone, and only those with Red badges can enter the most secure areas, the Red Zones. All the primary research and test areas, along with the Communications Centre, are badged Red.
 Your green card permits you access to the Reception Building, certain low-grade office areas and part of the accommodation block.

Jedi Dawn
# 553
 It proves ridiculously easy to track Facet down. You hardly see a soul as you run away from the main battle, into a deserted wing of the building and up the elevator to the residential floor. OK, maybe all the security personnel are busy with the Rebels, but how can it be this easy to just run around a vital Imperial plant like you belonged here?
 All of the areas you pass through have a Green Security status, but your badge seems to be doing the job of keeping you out of trouble with the many sensors you pass. As the elevator doors open, you find yourself opposite the door of someone's living quarters. Facet's. Which means you're only problem is how to gain entry - the door is protected by an electronic lock which needs a key or a code sequence. Unless, of course, you could just ring the bell...
 "Come in!" calls a familiar voice. Oh, come on... You enter a pleasantly-furnished apartment, with soft toys strewn all over. Facet comes into the sitting room from another door, rubbing her long blonde hair as if she has just washed it. Is she surprised to see you. "Havet?! How did you get in here?" Think quickly. "Diamond sent me. The Rebels are attacking the Station; she sent me up here to guard you." Which explains how you got the badge and the blaster rifle. Perhaps. Facet seems ready to believe you, though. "That's thoughtful of her." she says. "And I'm glad that means you're safe too." She crosses the room, opens up a small bar and asks: "Drink?"
 Why not?

Jedi Dawn
# 353
 "Let me," you offer, sounding a bit abrupt. Facet looks surprised, but steps back from the bar anyway. You tell her to take a seat, and she obeys. Oh, man! She's got a Star Racer in the cooler! You lick your lips, and crack the seal on the tube. Good manners prevent you from taking a pull straight away, but you can almost taste its sharp, warm tang. At last! It takes real willpower to mix Facet's drink first; three parts citrus juice, one part local bitters, ice and just a small vial of sleeping draught to taste. You hand her along glass, and she drinks deeply.
 As for you, well, you've finally got your hands on a tube of Star Racer. Nothing is going to stop -
 There is a thump behind you, and you jump out of your skin. The tube falls to the floor, and breaks on the tiles under the bar. NO!!! You look round, ready to scream at Facet, but she has fallen from the couch and lies in a heap on the floor. You rush over to check her pulse. She's alive, but her running lights have been switched off - she doesn't stir when you call and only groans slightly as you lift her onto the couch. That sleeping potion must have been strong stuff!
 You don't have long. Find that data the Alliance wants, and, get to the Communications Centre.

Jedi Dawn
# 313
 You left Facet on the couch, sleeping quietly.

Jedi Dawn
# 603
 You search Facet's quarters. The sitting room is comfortable, well-equipped and well-furnished, but there's nothing unusual. The kitchen is much the same. The bath room is equally unrevealing (except you find a bottle of the perfume Facet wears - mmmm, it smells good). Finally, there's the bedroom. A computer terminal, more soft toys, more clothes than anyone in their right mind would ever want, a vast collection of fashion data cards, and - Now that's interesting. Facet wears contact lenses; there's an empty case on the bedside table. Why would someone with her money wear contacts in this day and age, when she could have corrective treatment? And what's this? Loose blonde hairs on a small, round wooden block. Um - is Facet going bald?

Jedi Dawn
# 315
 You switch on the power, and the terminal in Facet's room comes alive.

Jedi Dawn
# 336
 Would Facet have access to any more files from her terminal, you wonder?

Jedi Dawn
# 348
 You access the Personnel Records. Nothing too surprising here. It shows Druth Anamor as the Head of Research. He's held some other senior research posts in the past, and stands quite high in the Imperial scientific hierarchy. It looks as if the Emperor is quite fond of him.
 His daughter, Facet, is about ten months older than you. She has such a slender record, that you might wonder if she really exists! She certainly doesn't deserve her important administrative position as Director of Personnel. Daddy must have got hert he job. Her assistant is twice her age, and a hundred times better qualified.
 As for Commander Diamond, there is little about her beyond her name, rank, and position as Head of Security. She doesn't even have a payroll number! The only interesting fact you can discover is that she arrived on Toprawa almost exactly at the same time as Facet Anamor.

Jedi Dawn
# 381
 You pull a diagrammatic plan of the Station off the computer. It is spread over a wide site, but the areas you want are actually close together and nearby. The living quarters of several of the senior civilian managers at the Station occupy two floors at the top of a long, flat-roofed building, attached to the Reception Building. It is divided in two; the most senior people are in the Blue Security Zone - these include Druth Anamor and Commander Diamond, both on the top floor. Diamond's quarters are, in fact, right next door to Facet Anamor's, on the other side of the divide between the Green and Blue Zones. At the end of the building, a private elevator, which only serves the top floor, descends to ground level, where two wide, covered walkways connect to the main Research Laboratories and the Communications Centre.
 Most of the main military buildings and the heavy testing labs are scattered elsewhere on the site.
 You memorise the layout. The Rebel attack is designed to penetrate the ground floor of the Reception Building, then out across a landing field to the Communications Centre. That's where most of the defenders will be. Your route lies in another direction.

Jedi Dawn
# 370
 Having finished searching Facet's bedroom, you go back out into the sitting room. For a seccond, you hesitate, unable to believe your own eyes. But it's true. Facet has gone.
 How is that possible? She was sleeping like a baby! Where has she gone, and why hasn't she raised the alarm? Just what is going on here?

Jedi Dawn
# 335
 You search Facet's quarters again, even more thoroughly. You patience is rewarded. After a lengthy exploration of the walls of her bedroom, you find a hidden lever, which activates a secret panel. Beyond, there is a narrow passage.
 You follow the passage, and reach the far end, groping your way through the darkness. Another panel opens into another bedroom. You look around carefully before stepping in. Draped over a chair, you see a bright sash. Your Jedi instincts ring the alarm bells immediately. The last time you saw that sash, it was being worn by none other than Commander Diamond.

Jedi Dawn
# 358
 You search Diamond's quarters. You make a number of interesting discoveries about the Security Commander. One, she likes tropical fish - she has a huge tank along one wall of her sitting room. Two, she likes weapons. Her cupboards are full of them.
 The third discovery - well, that's going to need some thinking about. In a small cabinet, locked until you carve it open, you find a blonde wig and a case with cosmetic contact lenses. Blue lenses. Now who do you know with blonde hair, blue eyes and who has quarters right next door to these? Just thinking about it makes your head spin.
 So you don't think about it, and rifle through her collection of weapons instead.

Jedi Dawn
# 356
 Unbelievable. All these blasters in Diamond's rooms, and not one of them charged up. Isn't that unbelievably careless - or unbelievably smart.
 You take a last look around. The room is spartan, spotless and functional. It fills you with foreboding. Reaching for the door release, you know you'll be glad to get out into the hall.

Jedi Dawn
# 368




Last Update 03/Apr/1999