


Jedi Dawn No.9
The Imperial Research Station #2

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 A good night's sleep is one way to restore your energy'so that you can use your Jedi powers at their full power.

Jedi Dawn
 "I'm ready," you announce.
 Vermilion hands you a small glass bottle, "Get Facet to drink this if you can; it'll put her to sleep for hours. He claps you on the back "Good luck," he says. "We'll start our attack an hour after you go in. I reckon you'll have about another 30 minutes after that before we've completed the transmission. Then we blow the place to pieces."
 "What happens if I'm still inside?" you ask.
 "Don't be," replies Vermilion, dtyly. Enough said.
 You step out into the street The final chapter in your adventure starts right here.

Jedi Dawn
 You have the sleeping draft given to you by the Rebel leader. He reckoned it would put someone to sleep for a good few hours, if you could trick them into drinking it.

Jedi Dawn
 You set off on your mission. Somehow, you have to gain access to the IRS building, and then to the top-secret research labs. It isn't goirg to be easy, at least you have your metallic pass.
 You walk to the IRS from the main crossroads. About fifty metres from the building, your Jedi seases start tingling. Two men are tacking, just along the street; you slip into a doorway to watch them. The uearer one, who had been blocking your view of the other, is a senior Imperial officer. The other is Boba Fett. You listen in on the end of their conversation.
 "Where can I find this Facet Anamor?" asks Fett.
 "She has living quarters in the station," says the Officer.
 Fett tells him that he has asked at the Station, but that Facet isn't there. "Well'she has an anartment on Market Street - 525, I think it is." Fett steps away, and into a landspeeder parked at the kerb. "I'll try there," he snarls, gunning the engine and pulling away.
 What does Boba Fett want with Facet? You have to find out. The Officer has a landspeeder of his own parked close by - dare you risk taking it off him this close to the Station?

Jedi Dawn
 The Imperial Officer slumps to the floor. You managed to defeat him quikly - there's no alarm from the Imperial Research Station.
 Leapiog into his landspeeder, you set off after Boba Fett.

Jedi Dawn
 You have acquired a landspender, a small repulsorlift vehicle capable of good speed. This one is an Imperial Tx-3; smart, functional, but not a patch on Boba Fett's SoroSuub XP-38.

Jedi Dawn
 You arrive at Facet's apartment on Market Street. There's no sign of Boba Fett, although you can see a landspeeder which looks like his parked a short distance away along a cross-street. Acutely aware that he could be any where, watching, you park immediately outside Facet's door, and try to keep low behind the landspeeder as you reach for the enrty-phone.

Jedi Dawn
 Boba Fett is waiting around near Facet's apartment. You don't know what he has planned, but knowing Boba Fett it can't be good news.

Jedi Dawn
 In a brisk electronic drone, the entry-phone demands to know who you are.
 "Havet Storm."you answer. "I'd like to leave a message for Facet-"
 Facet's voice cunts in'sounding edgy and huried. "Havet? Come up."
 The entry phone buzzes, and you push open the door. There is a large entry hall, and a set of stairs climb ups to the next floor.
 Facet's voice echoes down from above- "Up here!" You trot up the stairs.
 Facet actually does own the entire building! The upper floor contains a huge ballroom, complete with a stage big enough to house an orchestra. In one corner of the room, Facet throws clothes into a bag. She looks very unhappy, and quite frightened.
 "I'm really pleased to see you," she says.
 "Have you heard? There was a battle over the city!"
 How were you supposed to have missed it?
 "My father says the Rebels will launch an attack. I'm going to stay at the Station. "

Jedi Dawn
 You tell Facet that Boba Fett is outside, and that he was searching for her. She looks incredulous. "Do you think the Rebels have hired him to kidnap me?" she asks. You doubt it, but you say nothing. "We can slip out through the secret exit. Will you help me, Havet?" You grab her bag and throw it across your shoulder. She leads you back down the stairs, and through the kitchens. At the back of the house, a cleverly concealed door opens onto a dark alley. You slip out, and try to steer your way through the gloom.
 You have gone no more than a few yards when you realise you have lost your grip on Facet's hand. You call her name, trying not to let your voice carry. Blundering around, you reach the front of the building. Where is she? You find no sign of her anywhere.
 Suddenly, though, you spot of a darting shadow rushing towards you. Boba Fett! Knowing that you can't let him find Facet - and that he has every reason to kill you - you get ready to meet him once again.

Jedi Dawn
# 214
 You are in combat with Boba Fett. You'd better hope that the beating you gave him last time has slowed him down.
 Fett uses his Blaster Rifle at Combat Skill 3 (reduced because of his wounds). If you bring the Combat to Up Close, Fett uses his Wrist Lasers. He has Combat Skill 2 with these (again, reduced because he is injured).

Jedi Dawn
# 587
 You opened fire on Boba Fett. Hey, it was your choice, Havet! The Combat starts At Range. Fett uses his Blaster Rifle; he has Combat skill 4. Because of his powerful armour, you must score a 10 to hit him. If you can bring the Combat to Up Close, Fett uses his wrist lasers at Combat Skill 3.
 You fire (or move) first. If you miss with your first two shots, and Fett misses with his first shot, this Combat ends there. Of course, there might be more to come...

Jedi Dawn
# 585
 You and Boba Fett must be having an off day. Your first couple of shots go wide, and he misses you too (don't complain; did you see what his rifle did to the wall?). You are watching him line up his next shot, when you both hear someone running. A woman has appeared, a lithe figure with short black hair and clear eyes, armed with a stun gun "Diamond!" exclaims Fett.
 You'd better take advantage of the surprise to open fire, Havet? But on who? Tricky choice, Havet!

Jedi Dawn
# 283
 From what you've seen, Boba Fett is just an ugly bully with chip and a rocket launcher on his shoulder. Diamond is real trouble. Aiming carefully、you fire at her first.

Jedi Dawn
# 298
 You have fired at Diamond. The combat starts At Range. In this first moment, you have just one action - you can move Up Close or fire. Because of the distance and the armour Diamond is wearing, you must score 9 to hit her.
 Just deal with this first action first. Things are about to get much more complicatad!

Jedi Dawn
# 602
 Your first shot went wide, taking a lump out of a building. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Diamond level her stun gun - but not at you! She's aiming at Boba Fett!

Jedi Dawn
# 293
 What a fight! You, Boba Fett and Diamond! The Combat starts At Range, and stays At Range while all three of you are on your feet. Diamond goes first, then Fett, then you.
 Diamond has a Stun Gun for fighting At Range; she has Combat Skill 4 with this weapon, and needs to score 10 to overcome Fett's armour. She fires at Fett.
 Fett, of course has Combat Skill 4 At Range with his blaster rifle. He needs to score an 8 to hit Diamond. When it's his turn, usea dice or a card to decide who he fires at (1, 2, 3 or Red card means he fires at you; 4, 5, 6 or black means he fires at Diamond).
 Last, but not (you hope) least, there's you. You need 10 to hit Fett, 8 to hit Diamond. Good luck!

Jedi Dawn
# 596
 Fett draws the short straw in your three-way battle. He staggers back against his vehicle after a direct hit. Diamond ceases fire at once. "He's down, Havet," she calls. "You ready for a truce, or do I have to get rough with you too?" She soods up, and moves towards you.

Jedi Dawn
# 276
 This Jedi thing must have something going for it after all. You are on a roll! Diamond collapses, out cold. You truss her up with her belt. She'll make a fine prisoner for the Rebels.
 After one last check to make sure no-one else is going to attack you, you rush to Facet's apartment. The entryphone plays a recorded announcement back at you. There's no-one home. Curse it. Facet must be at the IRS already. You leave the building, and grab Diamond's limp form, throwing it into your vehicle. Gunning the engine, you set off to find Vermilion.

Jedi Dawn
# 272




Last Update 02/Apr/1998