


TOD2 : The Great Search : Mission #8

Stop Hyperdrive Replacement

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 OP 8: Stop Hyperdrive Replacement

 File Name: max1
 Mission Briefing
 Several freighters are unloading cargo onto the damaged Star Destroyer Intrepid. You must locate and destroy the freighters containing the hyperdrive replacement. Escorted by a pair of A-wings, you will fly an X-wing for this attack. The Intrepid is approximately ten clicks away, ringed by five freighters. Two pairs of TIE fighters are on patrol, and will move to intercept you.
 Farlander's After-Action Report
 I used the standard mission-start procedure, as the patrolling TIE fighters came right for us when we popped out of hyperspace. My escorts turned toward the nearest pair(Beta), and I joined them in a head-on attack. Soon, Alpha joined the melee, and I fought my way toward the nearest freighter.
 Before we could take care of all the fighters, a two-ship group of TIE Interceptors from Delta squadron was launched from the Intrepid. A minute later, a four-ship group from Theta squadron was also dispatched.
 About four minutes into the mission, I made it to the first freighter, the Kiam IV. It was loaded with machinery, so I continued toward the next in a counterclockwise rotation around the ring. Another pair of TIE Interceptors, these from Zeta squadron, joined the fray at that point.
 The next freighter was Kiam III, which had hyperdrive spares, so I switched to torpedoes and selected dual-fire mode. Since I was so close, I didn't bother waiting for the targeting computer; I just fired them point-blank as fast as they would launch. That was the end of that freighter, and I set off toward the next.
 The Kiam II was loaded with supplies, so I passed it up.
 Another pair of Interceptors launched, from Gamma squadron this time. I was constantly weaving to evade all these TIEs, and, even with the recharge rates at maximum, my shields were slipping.
 Next was the Kiam V, carrying more hyperdrive parts. I tagged it in memory and decided that it was time to reduce the number of Interceptors hounding me.
 I proceeded to engage and destroy several of my pursuers, while circling the Kiam V and firing on it as opportunities arose. After destroying the Kiam V, I headed off toward the last freighter. I received the Mission Complete message before I got close enough to ID it, though, so I withdrew as soon as I had fully recharged my shields and headed for home.
 C.O.'s Analysis
 I slumped in the chair in the debriefing room. Lagrane was looking me over critically. I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't meet them. I was feeling discouraged, despite my success. I had simply run out of energy, and there was no source to replenish it. Lagrane began his analysis of the mission.
 "It was very risky to use all six torpedoes like that on the first freighter with the hyperdrive spares. You couldn't know how many of the five would have to be destroyed. As it turned out, there was only one other, but at that point you were in the middle of a hornet's nest of TIE Interceptors!
 "You really had a hard time keeping your shields up, and constantly shunting cannon power to the shields was robbing you of the maximum effect of your lasers. Keeping your recharge rates at maximum forced your speed down to 50. You were asking for trouble, captain.
 "Our analysis of the mission suggests that you should have redirected the shield energy to the engines and kept your speed up to at least loo. You would still have had to transfer cannon power to the shields constantly, but you would have been better able to evade your attackers, and as a result you would have lost less energy overall by better avoiding their cannon blasts.
 "You know, Farlander, every pilot is only human. Don't take this too hard, but I see that your concentration seems below par. You're feeling the pressure, aren't you!"
 I nodded.
 "Now don't take this personally, captain, but I think you need to take a little time off."
 "No, Commander. Wait. I'll be all right. It's just... I've been having these dreams."
 "Dreams!" Lagrane asked.
 "They've been going on for a few weeks. It's like a war is taking place in my head at night."
 "Look, Farlander, I'm not equipped to deal with your dreams. You report to Sick Bay and see what you can do about it. If you don't get focused, I'm going to have to put you on inactive."
 "Yes sir. I understand. Don't worry. I'll visit the med droids and see what they can do."
 Debriefing (Win Conditions)
 FRTs Kiam III and Kiam V must be destroyed.

 "Good afternoon, Captain Farlander. Please describe your symptoms." The droid spoke in a pleasant voice, designed to make you feel at ease. Even so, I was nervous.
 "I'm having strange dreams, and I'm not getting enough sleep."
 "You're having dreams," repeated the droid. "Tell me about your dreams."
 "Well," I began, somewhat reluctantly. "I'm always in a glowing sphere, and I have the feeling that it's very large."
 "A sphere. Go on," said the droid.
 "And there are voices," I continued.
 "Tell me about the voices."
 "I don't really understand them. I get bits and pieces, but I can't quite grasp the thoughts."
 "Bits and pieces, nothing more," responded the droid.
 "All I know is that there are two voices, and they're completely the opposite of each other. I think if I knew which one to listen to, I'd feel better."
 "Tell me about feeling better," the droid requested.
 "I'd feel a whole lot better if you'd stop asking questions, and give me something to help me sleep."
 "One moment, please."
 The droid wheeled out of the small cubicle, and I waited. And waited. Finally, an older woman entered the room, followed by the droid, or perhaps one that looked just like it.
 "M4 here tells me you've got some attitude problems," the woman said. "Maybe I can help."
 She was probably about 60 years old, gray hair, cerulean blue eyes. She seemed a little put out, as if I was intruding.
 "Look, doctor... You are a doctor, aren't you!" I asked.
 The woman nodded and offered a concerned smile, saying; "We're here to help you, captain."
 She was treating me like some kind of a mental case, and my danger signals began flashing accordingly. I didn't want to end up on the inactive list. I took a deep breath and said; "Doctor, I've just had some bad dreams... the war, you know. But I'm fine. I just wanted to get something to help me get a few good sleeps. I think M4 there misinterpreted what I said."
 The doctor looked dubious, so I repeated myself, adding a good-natured chuckle for emphasis:
 "I'm fine, doctor. Everything is fine."
 I can admit this now, but I never would have mentioned it to anyone back then. I felt something connect between me and the doctor. I felt my will reaching out to her; convincing her of what I was saying. It was the first time I had ever felt anything like that - like my will was actually emanating from me as a conscious force - and just as quickly I made a conscious effort to somehow shut it off.
 By that time, however, the deed was done.
 "Captain Farlander is fine, M4. He just needs a few good sleeps. Give him some sedatives and recommend him for active duty." And she smiled at me: a warm, sincere smile.
 "It was good to meet you, captain. Good luck." Then she turned and left.
 I made it back from Sick Bay just in time to grab an assignment.





Last Update 17/Jul/2000