


Jedi Dawn No.7
Operation Skyhook Phase1 : Toprawa Plan

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 Shortly afterwards, you're back out on the street outside the IRS. You have a lot to think about, and you could do with somewhere quiet you could nurse an ice-cold Star Racer while you work everything out. Didn't you notice a place back towards the spaceport? It's worth a look.
 You notice a tall bearded man wearing a suit and a hideous red belt. As you walk away from the IRS, he follows, crossing the street to drop in just behind you. "If you've got problems with our friends in the Empire, "he says, his voice no louder than a murmur, "I may for able to help you."
Jedi Dawn
# 45
 "Hello, Scarlett," you sigh. You're beginning to get a little irritated with him. "I'm surprissd to see you here," her eplies. "Working for the Empire yet?"
 You spin round to confront him. "What's your problem, Scarlett? What does it matter to you what I'm doing?" He throws up his hands in mock surrender. "Hey - take it easy! I just wanted to talk. Look, let's go somewhere private. I can really be a nice guy if you let me."
Jedi Dawn
# 416
 Scarlett leads you to an apartment block, close to the main road, but sheltered behind a few discount warehouses and closed down factories. In one of the upper floor rooms, he sits you down on an old packing case. You noticed that he just walked in - there were no locks on the door. You guess no-one actually lives in this building. You don't blame them.
 He walks over to a rusting metal container. "Drink?" Hmmm. Good idea - it's too much to expect that he has a Star Racer in there though, isn't it? Too true it is; he brings open a carton of some Toprawan milk. What creature this stuff came from you wouldn't want to know.
 "OK, Havet, here's the pitch. Toprawa has had a raw deal. The Empire has stifled trade, closing the factories and forcing people out of work. They want to make Toprawa unattractive to outsiders, and to depress the local economy so much that the people who stay have to wrork for them or starve. You with me so far?" You grin sarcastically to show that you're not a complete idiot. You hadn't realised you were going to sit through a current affairs lecture, though.
 "So, my people want to make changes. They want the Imperial Research Station closed down. What we think is that they're doing some top secret research in there, and that if we blow the lid on it, hey'll move some where else, and things can get back to normal round here."
 This doesn't quite ring true, but Scarlett is on a roll and you don't interrupt him. "The best way to find out what is going on inside the Station is to get to someone on the inside, and as far as we can see the best persoon to get to is Facet Anamor." Oh, oh! "You see, there are three types of people who work at the IRS. Military fanaties; forget them, they wouldn't tell you the time of day. Toprawan workers, who are kept from all the really secure stuff. Imperial scientists and engineers, who work in the most sensitive areas, but who don't mix much with people outside the Station. And there's Facet..." Doesn't that make four? Or doesn't she count as a type?
 "Facet isn't an Imperial die-hard. But her father is Druth Anamor, the head of the Research Department, the guy working on all the really sensitive stuff. He got her the job; pulled strings. I mean, she isn't old enough to blow bubbles - know what I mean? No offence intended, Havet."
 "None taken." You sip more of the strange drink. "Who are‘your people', and why should I help you?" He grins, a little nervously. "We're people like you, Havet. People who don't fit in. Outsiders. That's why a few of us have banded together to join the Rebel Alliance."
 "A rebellion?" you scoff. "Against the Emperor? That's kind of a long shot, isn't it?" Scarlett nods in agreement. "Only if we can't attract people like you, Havet." Oh, really? Why are you so important - except for the fact that you know Facet Anamor, that is? "The Empire has all the good cards, but we have the right cause. And we only recruit people we can trust." Oh, sure.
 "And you think I can get the information you want from Facet?" He nods again. "We have people on the inside, Havet, but no-one high enough to find out what is going on. Facet is close enough to the top to know everything. So, if someone gets close to Facet, we might hear what she hears from daddy. She seems to have taken a shine to you, Havet." You splutter a mouthful of the milk across the floor. "She has?" you choke. "Why, what do you know?"

Jedi Dawn
# 49
 "Don't be bashful," says Scarlett, "we know she has asked you to go to her apartment. All we want is for you to keep that appointment, and perhaps to see her again on sene other night. That's not so bad, is it?"
 "You don't want me to help kidnap her?" you ask. "No, " says Scarlett slowly. "We just want to find out what she knows, and to have you in a position to influence her."

Jedi Dawn
# 73
 Scarlett clears away all trace of your time in the room. "We want you to join us, Havet. We have to know what is going on at the IRS. The Alliance needs the information, and you need us. " Oh, really? "Why's that," you ask. "Because in a situation like the one you're in, there aren't too many easy ways to stay neutral. The Empire knows that. So, if they aren't convinced that you're working for them, they'll assume you're working for us. "
 "You have to take sides. Maybe not right now, not right here, but soon." Sure. "Don'try to frighten me with your nonsense," you shout, leaping to your feet. "I've survived on other worlds without getting onto the wrong side of the Empire; why should things be different here?"
 Scarlett looks quite sad for a moment, then he gestures for you to follow him to the door. "I understand." he says. "If you change your mind, you can always find us. Try hanging around at Al's cantina." You sweep past him, heading quickly down the stairs. Moments later, you're back out on the street on your own.

Jedi Dawn
# 88
 You are in the area just outside the spaceport. It would be a smart move to explore this area; it can't do any harm to get to know the back alleys and cut-throughs round here, in case you ever need to leave Toprawa in a hurry.
 The main highway leaves the port through its entrance tunnel, and cuts across a steep hill in the direction of Toprawa City. Another broad highway follows the port perimeter to the north. Up ahead, there is a research complex. There are factories and works along the highway and off the side roads, many of them closed and derelict. No-one is offering any work. People blame the high planetary taxes, the huge influx of off-worlders at the Imperial Research Station and the collapse of trade because of "rebel activity". The word is you need a high security clearance permit to work at the port or the IRS.
 Taking a breather, you check your bearings. The alley behind you leads to the area where all the hostels and cheap rented accommodation can be found. A rest would do you good. Alternatively, there's a cantina over the street. This might be the right time to get a drink and a bite to eat. Or, if you need to make a call, there's a guy working on a broken speeder bike who would probably let you borrow his comlink.
 After all this tramping around, you've developed tired legs and a healthy appetite. So, what next?

Jedi Dawn
# 99
 Al the Alchemist's cantina is just as you remember it, more's the pity. As you come through the door, you catch the same disgusting odours, and the heavy, oppressive air makes you feel almost physically sick.
 Of course, it could just be that you're a tad nervous about running into Boba Fett again. You try to peer into the corner from the doorway, but you can't see the end of the bar counter, much less work out if Fett is there or not. A few other regulars are, though. The big Wookiee is growling at a humanoid with green eyes (nothing unusual in that, except he has ten of them) who seems to be trying to persuade him of something in a loud argument at a nearby table. The octopoid is unconscious on the floor, three of his limbs clutching desperately to the legs of a fixed table, as if he is frightened of being carted away while he sleeps.
 You walk a little further in. There's a small alcove on the other side of the room which isn't occupied. You start making your way over when, suddenly, you see him, almost in the exact spot you were heading for. Boba Fett is sitting on a stool, negotiating with a Nalroni trader. He is facing almost directly towards you, concentrating on his discussion with the golden-furred humanoid. Fett's blaster rifle is propped behind him, against a side door which he appears to have bolted shut. The alcove is just to his right.
 It's a miracle he didn't see you come in, but he has to notice you soon. Just how are you going to keep out of his way?

Jedi Dawn
# 9
 You make your way quickly to the table where the Wookiee is seated, but you realise Fett has seen you. He is on his feet in an instant, and you arrive at the table at the same time. The Wookiee and his companion look up, vaguely surprised to see a young human stranger and an infamous Bounty Hunter coming eyeball-to-facemask right in the middle of their own argument. Tenーeyes scampers off, but the Wookiee settles in his seat, with a relaxed grin on his hairy face.
 "I really didn't expect to ever see you again," Fett says briskly. His fingers flex on his blaster rifle. "Didn't I tell you I'd kill you if I did?" You try to act cool. Fett, on the other hand, is growling. Or is it him? You check the Wookiee; he isn't smiling any more, his face is distorted with fury. He is staring at a number of scalps of Fett's belt. Wookiee scalps.
 "I couldn't remember," you reply, "if you said you'd kill me, or if I said I'd kill you." Fett starts; he can't believe his ears. All the same, his blaster rifie starts to swing up in your direction - until with a wild swing of his paw, the Wookiee smashes it to the floor. It looks like you have an ally!

Jedi Dawn
# 35
 You are facing Boba Fett! The Combat starts Close-Up. Fett uses his wrist lasers; he has Combat Skill 3. Because of his powerful armour, you must score a 10 to hit him.
 The good news is that you have an ally! The Wookiee takes his turn after Fett. He fights with his bare hands, and has Combat Skill 4 (which means he needs a 6 to hit Fett). Fett needs to score 7 to hit him (which means rolling a 4).
 Fett will aim for the Wookiee first, then you.

Jedi Dawn
# 578
 You almost can't believe it! Despite all his advantages in weapons, experience and murderous intent, it is Boba Fett who lies in the dust once the fighting stops, not you. With one fortunate hit, you have defeated one of the most feared men in the Galaxy!
 Fett isn't dead, though he lies almost motionless on the ground, clutching at his leg wound, almost unconscious with shock and pain. The fight spilled out onto the street early on, and took place in full view of several dozen people. Fett tries to raise his arm as you approach, but he doesn't have the strength. Nor can his fingers quite reach the fallen blaster rifle nearby. His breath comes in pain-filled gasps as he searches for some other method with which to strike back at you. Even in the midst of this, he manages to grit his teeth (well, you assume he does, the helmet makes it difficult to tell exactly what he's doing in the face department) and to face you defiantly as you approach.
 "You'd better finish me, boy," he sobs, the pain lancing through him. "If you don't... I shall hunt you until the last... day or my life. "
 You're sure he means it. You step over him, weapon extended, and reach down with your free hand. Touching his throat lightly, you allow the Force to flow into him, and he passes swiftly into a healing, motionless sleep. Your hand lingers for a moment longer. The temptation to remove his helmet, and to look at the features of the man who has swore to kill you is a big one. You wonder what he looks like...
 As you reach forward, there is a crashing roar from above. The sky above the spaceport is lit as if by lightning. You realise instantly that, somewhere above you, a titanic battle is being fought.

Jedi Dawn
# 91
 You wounded Boba Fett in your first battle. Although his injuries aren't so severe that he can't quickly recover, you figure he shouldn't bother you again for a while.

Jedi Dawn
# 563
 Along with several hundred other people who have spilled out onto the streets, you gape upwards at the space battle. Most of the time, all you can see are distant pulses of bright light, but a few ships ventnre lower into the atmosphere, and you watch tiny fighters swarming over larger Imperial vessels. The fighters are having a hard time of it, but they are gradually overwhelming the Imperial Corvettes. One of the larger Imperial vessels starts breaking up almost overhead, and escape pods and shuttles leap from its bays.
 Fighters hunt down the shuttles one-by-one. The last, swinging low over the City, makes a run for the spaceport (from where groundbased fire is arcing upwards), but is hit and starts falling-directly towards you! Screaming citizens scatter, and you find yourself being dragged away by a large man with a powerful grip. Moments later the shuttle crashes into a building immediately adjacent to the cantina, and goes up in flames. By the time you lift your head, the battle has moved on. Al's place is burning furiously. You look around to see who saved your skin, but there's no-one there. Boba Fett has disappeared too. You've no idea what the battle was all about, but it did you a favour!

Jedi Dawn
# 203
 The vehicle which came crashing down pretty much wrecked the cantina, what with the fire and all. Wonder if Al the Alchemist was insured? A pity, though. It was a fun place to frequent, if you like breathing solids and meeting up with homicidal maniacs, that is.

Jedi Dawn
# 580




Last Update 02/Apr/1999