


Historical Combat : Y-WING #3

S.O.S from Corvette Karinne

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 Mission 3: S.O.S. From Corvette Karinne

 File Name: hello
 Mission Briefing
 This mission requires you to use your proton torpedoes to stop an Imperial attack against a neutral corvette.
 Dafid's Training Objective
 "TIE Bombers can cause unbelievable amounts of destruction. You shouldn't even think about going out there where the real action is unless you know how to get the Bombers before they get our ships! Learn to use your torpedoes to take out the Bombers. You'll soon find out that acquiring a solid lock on a small craft such as a starfighter takes a very steady hand."
 Tactical Summary
 At the beginning of this mission, you drop out of hyperspace right behind an Imperial Star Destroyer! Don't panic, though: It hyperspaces out at once.
 Use the normal mission start sequence. You are attacked immediately by T/B groups Gamma and Beta, so begin evasive maneuvers at once! The TIE Bombers fire concussion missiles every chance they get, and even a Y-wing's shields can't take many of those! Try to kill at least two of these TIE Bombers as quickly as possible, and then redirect all cannon energy to the engines and go after T/B group Alpha. These Bombers are in pursuit of the corvette, and you must destroy them before they get within torpedo range. One salvo from all three and the Karinne is doomed. You have to rely on your wingman to keep the others occupied while you chase down Alpha. Switch to torpedoes and fire as soon as you have a lock. (Note that nonplayer craft do not fire torpedoes at enemy starfighters, or missiles at other enemy craft.)
 If your dogfighting skills are up to it, you can eliminate all of Beta and Gamma before going after Alpha. You have to be extremely quick, though. When you're done, you have to redirect all cannon and shield energy to the engines for maximum speed in order to catch up to Alpha. This is OK because no one will be shooting at you now; they're all dead! Use torpedoes as just instructed, and then wait for the Karinne to hyperspace out.
 Win Conditions
 TIE Bomber groups Alpha, Beta, and Gamma must all be destroyed. Corvette Karinne must survive.
 Mission Note: T/B Alpha and Beta's orders should be Attack FRTs, as corvettes are considered the same as freighters for this order. CRV Karinne's order should be Starship Fly Once.





Last Update 15/Jul/2000