


TOD1 : A New Ally : Mission #11

Capture Staff from Cygnus

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 OP 11: Capture Staff From Cygnus

 File Name: cygnus
 Mission Briefing
 Lead a raid on the Cygnus Corporation's starfighter performance trials, and capture their technical staff.
 Farlander's After-Action Report
 I was flight leader for this mission, and Jan-lo took the wing position.
 We popped out of hyperspace practically in the middle of an uncomfortably large number of Imperial ships, but, fortunately, many of them seemed inert and posed no threat. We were looking for the transport that carried the Cygnus technical staff. Our job was to protect the strike team until they could escape.
 I went through my start-of-mission check-out procedure, and, while Jan-lo attacked a few stationary craft, crippling or destroying them, I cycled through the target list until I found a transport. I headed toward it, and passed close by to ID it. I continued to ID transports until I found the one carrying the Cygnus staff. This one, Kappa, I assigned to a memory location.
 When the Rebel transport Lightning arrived with the strike team, I brought it up in the CMD and assigned it to another memory location. As soon as I had identified TRN Kappa, TIE fighter group Zeta appeared in the target computer. Time to take on some enemy starfighters!
 T/F Zeta attempted to destroy the Lightning, but I saw to it that their plans went horribly awry. Two more waves followed the first from group Zeta. When I attacked Dock 2 (the second freighter in the target list), two waves of TIE Interceptors were launched from Dock 1. I fought them and then, after the technical staff was captured, I destroyed TRN Kappa. This seemed to trigger the launch of two more waves of TIE fighters from Dock 1. I proceeded to destroy everything, even after the Lightning was safely away, and then I got the Mission Complete message.
 C.O.'s Analysis
 "Nothing new to report, sir. Just the usual TIEs and transports," I was telling the commander. Then I remembered. "There was something unusual..."
 "Unusual!" asked Lagrane.
 "Yes. There was a heavy craft, strange shape. Not a capital ship or a transport, but a little like a transport. It had heavy shields. Someone called it a 'Gunboat,' sir. Never saw anything like it before."
 "A 'Gunboat,' you say!"
 "That's what Jan-lo called it. Whatever it was, I'd bet it wasn't there to make our lives any easier."
 "No, I'm sure you're right about that. We'll have to study the holo films from the mission to see what we've got here. OK, Captain. Good work. You're done."
 I put the 'Gunboat' out of my mind for the moment, and headed to the pilot's lounge for some R&R.
 Debriefing (Win Conditions)
 TRN Kappa must be boarded by TRN Lightning, which must then survive.





Last Update 15/Jul/2000