


Historical Combat : A-WING #6

Deep Space Reconnaissance

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 Mission 6: Deep Space Reconnaissance

 File Name: warecon1
 Mission Briefing
 In this mission, you learn the value of the A-wing's speed and special sensors for deep-space reconnaissance missions.
 Dafid's Training Objective
 "Reconnaissance is the A-wing's forte, my friends. Use your speed and maneuverability to identify enemy craft. Then use your firepower and dogfighting skills to eliminate any opposition that shows up. Put all your skills to work and you'll be ready for real A-wing action!"
 Tactical Summary
 Thirteen containers are strewn across space, and a nasty surprise is waiting for you! Cycle backward on the CMD ([Y]) to target the last container and assign it a memory location ([Shift]-[F5]). Cycle back again and assign this container a memory location ([Shift]-[F6]). Continue to cycle through the targets in reverse order, but make a close fly-by of each from now on to ID it before proceeding to the next.
 When all but the two assigned to memory have been ID'ed, recall the first of these ([F5]) and ID it. This step causes a trio of TIE fighters (group Beta) to come out and attack you. Engage and destroy them as quickly as possible. When these have been eliminated, ID the last container. Another trio of TIE fighters will come out; then the Imperial Frigate Merciless will arrive and begin launching waves of TIE fighters. Destroy T/F Alpha as quickly as you can and leave.
 The destruction of T/Fs Alpha and Beta triggers the creation of two additional groups of Top Ace-level TIE Interceptors, so don't hang around unless you're up for a serious challenge!
 Win Conditions
 All containers must be identified, and T/F groups Alpha and Beta must be destroyed.
 Mission Note: T/I Sigma's mother ship is wrong. It should be FG 14 (the FRG), not FG 9 (a CON). This doesn't affect the mission; it just looks strange.





Last Update 15/Jul/2000