


Historical Combat : X-WING #5

Rescue at Mon Calamari

年 代 出 来 事 場 面 参 考

 Mission 5: Rescue at Mon Calamari

 File Name: halley
 Mission Briefing
 This mission re-creates one of the most spectacular life-or-death rescue missions in history - especially from the view of a particularly daring X-wing pilot: Halley Kadorto.
 Dafid's Training Objective
 "Destroying the enemy is only part of your job. A starfighter is also a defensive weapon. You must learn to help the Alliance in anyway you can. In this mission, you must identify the containers that contain slaves. Do so quickly so that a rescue team can 'space in and rescue the Calamarians. Rescuing the Calamari slaves is the primary purpose of this mission! After you have identified the containers, protect the rescue operation. Finally, destroy any Imperial ships or supplies before you 'space out and return to base.
 "Learn to identify unknown vessels and how to provide a protective screen for our noncombatant forces."
 Tactical Summary
 The Imperial Star Destroyer Warrior is about to rendezvous with a supply convoy. Among the convoy's cargo are a number of Calamarian slaves. You play a critical role in their rescue.
 At the beginning of the mission, the closer of two Imperial freighters, Betar, is about four clicks ahead and slightly to your right. Order your wingman to attack it, and then cycle back ([Y]) for the other freighter, Wiggins. Assign it to the targeting system ([Shift]-[F5]). Now you must eliminate the TIE fighter escorts so that the Y-wings will be safe. Query the CMD for the nearest one (Alpha 1) and engage it and then its wingman. Proceed in the same manner until all the TIE fighters are eliminated. As soon as the FRT Betar is destroyed, begin assigning your wingman to the remaining TIES.
 When all the TIEs have been destroyed, ID all the containers and, last of all, the other freighter. CON Xi 1 and FRT Wiggins have the Calamarian slaves. The other containers should be destroyed.
 The Star Destroyer drops out of hyperspace about ten clicks away, three minutes into the mission. It begins launching attack waves of TIE fighters and Bombers; however, their orders are to attack the slave-holding ships, not you! Nevertheless, you must stop them, because they will likely destroy the friendly rescue freighters, Citadel 1 and 2, while trying to kill the slaves.
 A couple of space tugs are also in the area. They are no threat, but that shouldn't stop you from destroying them!
 Win Conditions
 Y-wing Gold must disable the FRT Wiggins and escape into hyperspace. FRT Citadel 1 must dock with CON Xi 1 and escape into hyperspace. FRT Citadel 2 must dock with FRT Wiggins and escape into hyperspace. FRT Betar and CON Psi must be destroyed.
 Mission Note: Enemy ships can not affect each other as intended in this mission. Torpedoes and laser blasts pass through targets with the same affiliation as the shooter. (The Imperial FRTs and CONs should have been "neutral" in order for this mission to work properly.)





Last Update 15/Jul/2000