


Keyan Farlander's Story #5

A call to Reason

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 A Call to Reason

 If you care about freedom and your future... join the Rebellion! Resist oppression, and help us form a New Republic based on equality and freedom for all beings!
 This is your chance. Don't wait. Do it now!
 In these pages, you will read about our galaxy, learn tolerance, and begin to understand what we fight for. Who are your friends? Who are your enemies? Learn the truth, and then join us!

  Your Friends... And Foes.

 Mon Mothma was once a young and idealistic Senator of the Republic. Hailing from Chandrila, she was practically born into government service. Her father was Arbiter-General of the Republic and her mother was a Governor of Chandrila. Next to Leia Organa, Mon Mothma was the youngest member to serve on the Senate. Despite her age, Mon Mothma rose to the esteemed position of Senior Senator before the abolition of the Senate. Now she is the Chief of State of the Rebel Alliance and works tirelessly to overthrow the Emperor.

 Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan was one of the heroes of the Clone Wars, fighting alongside the famous general, Obi-Wan Kenobi. When the wars ended, Organa returned to his home planet to lead them into an age of peace and freedom. All weapons were banned on AlderaAn. Soon after Palpatine declared himself Emperor, Bail Organa left the Senate and returned to Alderaan. He helped create the Alliance, making Alderaan a center for dissent and resistance. (Photo unavailable.)

 Admiral Ackbar was one of the first of the Mon Calamari to be taken as a slave by the Empire. A great leader before his capture, he was instrumental in convincing the Mon Calamari to help the Alliance by providing ships. After his capture, he became the servant of Grand Moff Tarkin, where he was able to learn about the enemy firsthand. Though he had learned of a great secret weapon, he was unable to discover what it was. In a dramatic encounter, Ackbar was rescued when Tarkin's shuttle was attacked by Rebel forces and the Admiral was left behind. Due to his great abilities and his knowledge of the enemy, he was recently named Admiral of the Rebel Fleet.

 General Crix Madine was an officer in the Imperial Army with high prospects for advancement. Amid some considerable mystery, Madine detected from the Empire and joined the Alliance. Such a defection would normally have aroused suspicion... was he a double agent? But whatever the circumstances, Madine was obviously trustworthy. Among those backing Madine was General Rieekan, one of Mon Mothma's most trusted officers. On his recommendation, Madine was put in charge of the Rebel Army. His knowledge of Imperial strategy and tactics has proved invaluable in planning operations against them. (Photo unavailable.)

 Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the great leaders of the Clone Wars. A Jedi Knight, he dropped out of sight shortly after peace was restored. It is feared that he, like all the other Jedi, has been killed by the Emperor's minion, Darth Vader, or one of his many assassins. Still, hope remains that he, or one like him, will re-emerge to join the fight against evil.

 Emperor Palpatine was once an uninspiring bureaucrat who, through deceit and political maneuvering, became first the President of the Republic and later, the Emperor. Little is known about Palpatine. Many Suspect that he has great powers in the dark side of the Force, but how he acquired power is completely unknown. He was never trained by any Jedi Knight that we know of, yet much of his success is unexplainable if some larger Force is not taken into account.
  Crimes of the Emperor (a partial list)
   Emperor Palpatine has:
   ・disbanded the Senate, stifling any participation by citizens in the government;
   ・begun a policy of genocide against nonhuman races;
   ・removed the rightful leaders of planets and systems, placing his own lackeys as Moffs and Governors;
   ・arbitrarily raised taxes;
   ・murdered and imprisoned millions without trial or justice;
   ・stolen land and property from its rightful owners;
   ・created a military force whose sole purpose is tyranny!
    -paraphrased from the Formal Declaration of Rebellion

 Darth Vader was once a pupil of Obi-Wan Kenobi. A promising Jedi Knight, Vader was seduced by the "easy" road of the dark side. He challenged his master and was left for dead when he failed, but though severely disfigured, Vader survived. His startling outfit keeps him alive, and also instills fear in his enemies. It is rumored that he has grown very strong in the dark side of the Force, and that he is the Emperor's main hatchet man.
 Next to the Emperor himself, Vader is the most feared being in the Galaxy Even his own men are terrified of him, as he is quick to anger, and his wrath is deadly.

 Grand Moff Tarkin began as a warship captain, but after the incident at Ghorman, his rise was rapid. He is generally given credit for engineering the Empire's policy of "rule by fear," and is also rumored to be leading a project for the construction of a new super weapon.

 Jabba the Hutt is one of the kingpins of galactic crime. Huge is a word often used to describe his empire of crime, not to mention his own unbelievably corpulent self.

 Boba Fett is a notorious bounty hunter and assassin. A veteran of the Clone Wars, Boba Fett is feared throughout the Galaxy. Nobody knows the source of his considerable power, but he carries a formidable arsenal of weapons. Few have met him, and of those, even fewer are alive to tell the tale. Boba Felt is known to work on occasion for Jabba the Hutt, and it is suspected that he also performs missions for Darth Vader.

  List of Key Worlds

 Alderaan was one of the planets practically decimated by the violence that swept through the Galaxy during the Clone Wars. Its leader, Viceroy Bail Organa, returned from the Wars to promote a peaceful transition to citizenship in the Republic. Advocating non-violence and the abolition of weapons, he soon turned Alderaan into a model for restoration, peace, and freedom. Now Alderaan is the symbol of the Rebellion against the tyrannical Empire.

 Mantooine is a system located in the Outer Rim of the Galaxy. Sharing Atrivis Sector with the Fest System, Mantooine was the site of a massacre as Mantooine's "Liberators" took on an overwhelming Imperial force. It was their defeat that helped identify the need for the Alliance proposed by Mon Mothma. Had the Liberators been allied with their neighbors in the Fest System, they would have known of the Imperial strike fleet orbiting nearby moons. Forewarned, they might have retreated into the impenetrable forests of Mantooine instead of taking up residence in a captured Imperial base.

 The Corellian System was the site of the famous Corellian Treaty, which bound several rival contingents of the Rebellion into a unified force. Under Mon Mothma's skilled leadership, this treaty has formed the basis for the growing Rebel Alliance.

 Ghorman was the scene of an early massacre, portent of the future of the Empire. A peaceful demonstration against rising taxes turned to tragedy and horror as the Republic warship sent to collect the taxes landed despite the protesters, killing or injuring hundreds. And the warship's commander? Was he punished? To the contrary, Captain Tarkin was promoted to Moff and later to Grand Moff.

 Calamari is the watery world of the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. This tectonically stable planet has few land masses, almost no mountains, and very little readily available metal. Despite that, the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, working together, have created a peaceful, technologically advanced culture with huge floating cities and a thriving economy.
  The Calamarians have long viewed the stars as islands in a galactic sea. With this somewhat poetic view of space, it is no wonder that they have become great travelers.

  End Racism - We're All in It Together

 Many of you may have been approached by members of COMPNOR(Commission for the Preservation of the New Order). Beware. Though it started out as a well-intentioned and idealistic social club, COMPNOR is now another of the many propaganda organs of the Emperor. Though their message may sound reasonable on the surface, COMPNOR is run by the Select Committee, who are vassals of the Emperor.
 What is the Emperor's purpose? From our analysis, COMPNOR's main goal is to spread a subtle philosophy of racism. Their goal is to turn Human against Wookiee, Mon Calamari against Quarren, Sullustan against Twi'lek.
 Don't let this happen. We are all equal citizens of the galactic community. Don't let the Emperor's doctrine of hatred and racism turn you against your fellow beings.

  Know Your Allies

 The Galaxy is vast, and there are many beings who belong among the citizens of the worlds. Some have traveled throughout the galaxy, while others have stayed close to their home worlds. Here are a few of those you may come to know.

  Description: Gamorreans stand approximately 1.8 meters tall when full grown and weigh about 100 kilos. Their green-skinned bodies are squat and powerful, and their hands and feet are large for their overall body size. Their facial features are distinctly porcine, with large tusks dominating their mouths and horns atop their heads. Their eyes are small and their noses are more like snouts.
  The Gamorreans of Gamorr are intelligent as well as physically impressive. However, their culture has evolved along a distinctly violent path. Only female Gamorreans actually do productive work. The males spend all their time engaged in fighting, training to fight, and engaged in more fighting.
  Gamorrean males delight in conditions that would repel most beings, and have found their way into space as mercenaries. Some have become laborers (contrary to their cultural heritage) and if the labor is particularly unpleasant, they may find it to their liking. If fighting or mistreatment of others is involved, Gamorreans can get the job done.
  Many Gamorreans are in the service of the Empire, and have no idea how mistreated they are. Few are known to work in the service of the Rebellion, partially because they have no concept of the ideals involved, and partially because they tend to shoot first and not bother to ask any questions later. We are doing our best to win them over to our side, and teach them to respect their own freedom.

  Description: Ithorians are known as "Hammerheads" by many galactic citizens. This name is derived from the shape of their heads, which are flat and ribbonlike, and feature two eyes at the top and two mouths, one on each side of the "face."
  Ithorians are natives of the lush planet Ithor in the Ottega System. They are Peaceful creatures who hold the sanctity of lift and the beauty of nature above all else. Many young Ithorians aspire to become ecological priests of "Mother Jungle."
  The Ithorians, language uses their twin mouths in a stereo effect that is impossible for most beings to duplicate without complex apparatus. However, some protocol droids can approximate Ithorian. The Hammerheads themselves speak common Basic quite well.
  The Ithorian way of lift involves what they call "herds," but which are really hovering cities. They have taken this concept into space, following an ingrained curiosity about life. Ithorian merchant "herds" are welcome through-out the Galaxy, particularly in the Outer Rim Territories, where they often bring news and rare goods. They ape not very offensive-minded, but carry strong defensive capabilities, which protect them from pirates and the other dangers of space.

 Mon Calamari
  Description: The Mon Calamari are bipedal, salmon-colored beings with webbed hands and feet, high dome-shaped heads, large eyes and vestigial external gills. With special lenses in their wide-set eyes, they have a 270 degree field of vision.
  The Mon Calamari are intelligent beings whose skills in spacecraft design are famous throughout the galaxy. Originating on the water world of Calamari, the Calamarians live on shore, but retain a love of the ocean. They have established a long history of peace and cooperation with their ocean-dwelling neighbors, the Quarren.
  Despite this peace, the Calamarians were drawn into the war with the Empire when Imperial ships invaded Calamari and began enslaving its population and looting their property. When the Calamari resisted, the Empire blasted three large floating cities, staining the oceans red with Calamarian blood. Now the Calamari are among the most steadfast friends of the Alliance, using their considerable skills to refit their space freighters into war cruisers for the Rebellion. Calamarian spacecraft are known for their individuality. Each is a work of art, handcrafted as much for esthetic considerations as for functionality. Like anything so lovingly produced, Calamarian craft are exceptionally durable and well constructed.
  Admiral Ackbar is the most famous of the Mon Calamari. Once a leader of his people, he was taken by the Empire and made a slave to Grand Moff Tarkin. He was rescued by Rebel forces when they intercepted a shuttle carrying Tarkin on his way tO inspect a military installation.

  Description: The Quarren are most recognizable by their triangular-shaped heads, tentacled mouths, and small, turquoise eyes, which are most comfortable in low light. Quarren are bipedal with leathery skin that can change colors (though this ability is usually only demonstrated during mating rituals).
  The Quarren share the water planet of the Mon Calamari. They have long sustained a peaceful, but sometimes controversial, symbiosis with the Calamarians. Originally living deep in the oceans, the Quarren have mined the riches of the ocean bottom and provided them to the Calamarians. The "Mon Cal" have reciprocated by using their ingenuity to develop a technology that the two races share. The Quarren now live deep in the floating cities built by the Mon Cal.
  Some among the Quarren think they have gotten the short end of the deal, and there is an undercurrent of unrest among them. Nevertheless, the Quarren have accompanied the Mom Calamarians into space and can be found living in the deeper recesses of Calamarian ships.
  It was a Quarren who originally betrayed Calamari by disabling the planet's defense systems, thereby allowing the Imperial warships to destroy three cities in one of the worst atrocities of modern times. However, the end result has been to unite the Mon Calamari and the Quarren with the Rebel Alliance against the Empire.
  One somewhat notorious Quarren is Tessek. Consumed with a lust for power, he is one of Jabba the Hutt's Chief Lieutenants. Little is known about Tessek, but he is certainly a remarkable example of his species, building a reputation on intelligence and ruthlessness.

  Description: Sullustans stand between 1 and 1.5 meters tall. These humanoids feature large, luminous eyes; large ears; masklike facial features; and bald, domed heads.
  Throughout their evolution, the Sullustan have lived in tunnels and warrens beneath the surface of their volcanic world. Their innate sense of location has taken them to the stars as pilots and navigators, where their skills are in high demand. Their high-pitched chattering language is hard for others to duplicate, and it is suspected that they have a rudimentary sense of echo-location, perhaps an evolutionary holdover.
  Despite their subterranean origins, most Sullustans display a sunny disposition, with a remarkable sense of humor. Many a starship bridge has been temporarily disrupted when the Sullustan navigator tells the one about the Twi'lek and the Ithorian. "What do you mean, that's not your pseudopod!" is one of many punchlines.
  The main economy of Sullust, the Sullustans' home world, is the huge mining enterprise, the SoroSuub Corporation. Though many Sullustan citizens have joined the Rebellion, Sullust is officially allied with the Empire. We suspect that a poll taken on Sullust would show a high degree of unrest, but for now, Sullust is controlled by the Emperor.

  Description: Twi'leks are tall, thin, hairless humanoids with large, bony supra-orbital projections. The most remarkable feature of a Twi'lek is the pair of twin tentacular appendages that extend from the backs of their heads. These large, fleshy prehensile growths, called tchun-tchin in the Twi'lek language, are a source of Twi'lek pride. They are also integral to their society.
  The Twi'lek language uses the tchun-tchin to expand the meaning of words, making Twi'leki one of the most difficult languages for outworlders to attempt.
  Fortunately, Twi'leks are adept at languages, and can learn most of the languages in common use.
  Twi'leks actually view each appendage separately. The one on the left is called tchun and the one on the right is the tchin. Little is known of the specific functions of each, but they are used as adornments and in mating rituals.
  The Twi'leks' home world is located in the Ryloth Star System in the Outer Rim. Without an axial rotation, Ryloth is a world of extremes. One side bakes in the sun while the other is constantly in darkness. Atmospheric phenomena called "heat storms" rage across the planet regularly. Although these destructive storms are a danger to the Twi'leks, they also serve to regulate the overall temperature of the planet, warming the dark side and cooling the light side.
  Twi'leks are not warlike, but prefer subtlety and cunning to fighting. Their native technology is somewhat crude by galactic standards - relying largely on wind generation for energy - and much of their development has been underground to escape the extremes of the surface. Little is known of the Twi'leks, home world, as few outworlders have visited there.
  Many Twi'leks have been taken into slavery by the Empire. Of particular value are Twi'leki dancing girls whose movements of body and tchun-tchin are considered seductive by humans and several other species. Needless to say, few Twi'leks have reason to love the Empire.

  Description: Wookiees are tall (over two meters), fur-covered, bipedal beings of high intelligence and a long life span. Their vaguely canine faces are highly expressive, with piercing blue eyes. However, when a Wookiee smiles, many beings are prone to run, as they display huge canine teeth and a fierce expression.
  Wookiees hail from Kashyyyk, a jungle planet famous for its giant, multi-level rain forests. Wookiees live in arboreal cities where life is relatively safe. Lower in the canopy, life becomes increasingly dangerous, to the point that even Wookiees must watch their step at the lowest levels.
  Wookiee cities are remarkably complex, and the Wookiees' technological ability is well known. They handle all weapons with a natural skill and deadly effectiveness, and are adept at repairs. The Wookiee weapon of choice, however, is the bowcaster - a combination of ancient craftsmanship and modern weapons technology. The bowcaster is a hand-made crossbowlike device that fires a high-energy explosive projectile. Few beings can operate a bowcaster, as it takes the famed strength of a Wookiee to ready one.
  Wookiees are among the strongest beings known in the galaxy. When angered, Wookiees have been known to tear their enemies literally limb from limb. And Wookiees have quick tempers.
  On the other hand, Wookiees are intensely loyal and can form life bonds with others, even non Wookiees. For instance, Wookiees often see their closest friends and colleagues as "honor families," and their loyalty to an honor family is without equal. If you should find yourself in the unique position of having saved a Wookiee's life, you'll find yourself with a Wookiee companion who would gladly sacrifice his or her life far you. Such a "life-bond" will last until the Wookiee decides the debt has been repaid, and sometimes even beyond that.
  Wookiees, though immensely strong, cannot defeat a whole battalion of stormtroopers, and many Wookiees have been enslaved. One well-known Wookiee is known as Chewbacca. Having formed a life-bond with the notorious smuggler, Han Solo, Chewbacca is now a wanted criminal as well. He is the copilot on Solo's equally infamous ship, the Millennium Falcon.

  The Problem of Droid Abuse

 The Empire's campaign of prejudice and hate shows no favoritism. All are equally to be reviled, ridiculed, enslaved, and murdered. This is no less true of the many non-human races than it is of the nonliving. Most of us depend on droids, whether we know it or not. And yet the Imperial attitude toward these highly sensitive, intelligent, and, yes, potentially sentient beings is to smash them, to exile them, and to use them without proper care.
 A droid is more than a machine. A repulsorlift is a machine. A tractor beam generator is a machine. A droid is an entity. Admittedly, some droids are more advanced than others, but they are all highly sophisticated. There is no reason to shun them, to mistreat them, or to fear them.
 Look at the many ways droids serve us:

 ・Astromech droids, such as the sturdy and versatile R2 units from Industrial Automaton, help maintain and repair starships. They can plug directly into the central computer to help analyze and solve problems. Astromechs also function as outboard computer/operator pilot enhancement modules in many single-seat starfighters such as the X-wing. They can also be programmed for up to 10 hyperspace jumps.
  Some R2 units may be equipped with a veritable arsenal of tools and extra capabilities. Some have holo recorder/projectors built in. They may also carry such diverse systems as welding units, electro-shock prods, saws and laser cutters, spotlights, and special grabbers.
  Astromechs are more than just machines, however. They often show a remarkable degree of personality and loyalty, especially when they are not subjected to regular memory wipes. Whether these traits are considered positive or negative is a matter of conjecture, but if treated respectfully, astromechs tend to develop a helpful personality. If mistreated, they may go rogue, to the regret of their owners.

 ・We're the first to admit that some protocol droids can be more than a little irritating, but their capabilities can be extensive. If properly programmed, they can speak and translate instantly up to 7 million languages. They Can be fitted with a variety of added modules, but are generally unsuited for tasks other than general protocol and communications.
  Even more than astromechs, protocol droids can develop extensive personalities when their memories are left intact for a long period. Some demonstrate startling insights and begin to offer very definite opinions not contained in their original programming. There are scientists who sincerely believe that these droids are capable of full sentience and that regular mind wiping is a criminal act.

 ・Many a patient has been thankful for the quick, efficient treatment he, she, or it has received from highly sophisticated medical droids. There are many kinds of medical droids, varying from simple diagnostic models, like the MD-0, to the MD-4 microsurgery models. Most medical droids have their specialties, but the MD-5 is a general practitioner that can serve in places where specialists are not available.
  Another popular droid is Geentech's Too-Onebee (2-1B), a highly versatile model, somewhat older than the MD series, but still found throughout the Galaxy.
  Medical droids do not seem to develop many personality traits, though some may begin to display a sense of pride in their work, while others require periodic "vacations" to recharge their circuits and function at full efficiency.

 ・Some people have the mistaken impression that probe droids are among the least sophisticated droids. In fact, it would be a mistake to think that the more modern probots do not respond to proper treatment. A probe droid will always carry out its mission, whether that be surveillance, exploration, search, rescue, or early warning; but probots have certain latitude. For instance, there is the example of probe droid D-127X whose self-sacrifice and immediate response may have saved Mantooine from a terrible Imperial surprise attack. There is no proof that D-127X would have done any different if mistreated, but would you want to trust your star system to a resentful droid?
 ・Assassin droids are dangerous. Period. Even though they have been outlawed for several decades, these single-minded killing machines still exist. Many of them have lost their primary targets, but all are still dangerous and unpredictable. Unlike other droids, assassin droids are incapable of developing positive personality traits. If you think you've seen one, notify the authorities and make tracks. Do not engage an assassin droid in conversation or trade with one. However, if an assassin droid does demand something of you, cooperate. Chances are it won't kill you. If it had wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight stands a chance against an assassin droid in single combat, and, depending on the model, the droid may still win as much as half the time.

 When I had finished reading, I turned the pamphlet over. and perused the back cover. It read:

 Are you ready to fight for your freedom? Are you prepared to lay down your life, if need be, to save your homeworld? Seek out the Rebel Alliance, and fight at our side. We will defend one another, and together, we will destroy the Empire.

 I studied it a moment more, and then looked for the woman who had given it to me. She was nearby, working with the others to remove any evidence of the meeting that had taken place. I caught her eye, and she moved towards me. I handed her the pamphlet.
 "I want to be a starfighter pilot," I said, and her eyes sparkled... with amusement?
 Suddenly, I saw myself as she must have: Some backwater rube with dreams of glory. I started to take offense, and then realized that I fit the description perfectly. What did it matter? I didn't mind having something to prove.
 "Where do I sign up!" I asked.
 "You're sure that this is what you want!" she said, her expression changing to one of genuine concern. "It might be a long time before you can return to Agamar if you leave with us now."
 "I'm sure," I told her, although I think that my voice wavered a little. "Anyway. there's nothing to keep me here."
 "Well then, my name is Lynia," she said, extending her hand in greeting. "I'll introduce you to someone..."





Last Update 15/Jul/2000