


Jedi Dawn No.2
Al's Cantina #1

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 The repulsorlifts whine, and the ancient transport shudders as it descends towards the landing pit. You glance nervously out of the port, wondering if the pilot knows just how fast you're falling. At the last moment, with a lurching kick from the antigravs, he proves that he must have flown this junk-flyer a thousand times. You land, and hardly bounce off the pit floor at all. OK, not a classic landing. Still, what can you expect? This was the only ticket you could afford when you left Korphir, and it didn't entitle you to comfort. Just be glad you made it here.
 And where's here? Another planet. Another new start. Wonder how long it'll be before you have to jump another fast freighter out into the void... Don't be negative, Havet. This could be a great world to hide out on. No-one here knows anything about you, and - with luck - that need never change. All you have to remember is to keep your Jedi powers hidden and your mouth shut. It means never being able to have a comlink (you dare not register yourself with the Communications Bureau), which might make life a bit awkward, but you've coped before.
 Stepping down the ramp from the transport, you find yourself in the main spaceport of Toprawa, an important Imperial military base and trading centre. The Empire is supposed to have it in for Jedi, right? So, this is the last place they'd expect to find one.
 The space port is busy, bustling with activity. Along with your dozen or so fellow passengers, you walk across the landing pad to a small shuttle. Seconds later, and you're at the main terminal building, and stepping into a spartan lounge filled with bored passengers waiting for their flight. A tedious song plays over the spoakers. How come these places always look and sound the same?
 You try to look casual, shrugging your flight bag firmly onto your shoulder. No-one seems to be paying much attention to your group. The rest head towards the Luggage Claim area, but you have everything you own in one bag. You decide to head for the Arrivals Checkpoint.
 As you round the corner, your stomach jolts with fear. Four port security guards armed with blasters are standing at the gate! What if they start checking your ID documents? Will they stand up to examination?
 You hesitate, wondering if they'll pick on you as you walk through alone, ahead of the other arrivals. Should you keep going, and hope they'll pick on someone else? Or wait, and try to go through the checkpoint with the others?

Jedi Dawn
 You keep walking towards the checkpoint. A couple of the security guards look you over, but it's not you they're interested in today. With a very slight sigh of relief, you pass through the gate, and towards the main doors of the terminal building.
 Don't be so paranoid, Havet! There's no way they could be looking for you! You're just a planet-hopper, going about his business. Stay calm!

Jedi Dawn
# 16
 Outside the terminal, shuttles queue for business, taking tired businessmen and Imperial servants into the city. What are your plans? A decent meal would be a good start, or maybe a place to stay.

Jedi Dawn
# 46
 Your growling belly makes the decision for you. Yes, something to eat is the first priority. Seems like you're always hungry these days, Havet.
 You walk a short distance until you reach a street with a few shops and apartment buildings. A cantina on the corner advertises cheap meals. Perfect. Of course, you're a stranger to this world, and this looks like a low-rent part of town. Should you take some precautions?

Jedi Dawn
# 141
  The sign above the entrance says the cantina is called Al The Alchemists'.

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# 216
 As you push open the door, you wonder just what Alchemy Al brews up in here. The smell is disgusting! You wrinkle your nose in disgust. Which proves to be a minor social error, since a tall Wookiee, who is just inside the door combing some gruesome fluid out of his fur, seems to think you were complaining about the way he smells. Perhaps you could explain?
 Perhaps not. You quickly duck out of his way, and into the middle of the cantina. Al's place is typical of any watering-hole this close to a port. Creatures of every race in the Empire are pressed close - too close in some cases - celebrating old contracts and making new ones. Hustling for a buck. If you had anything to sell, this would be the place to sell it - before someone stole it from you.
 It occurs to you briefly that you're much too young to be in a place like this. But it's too late now. You might as well stay now you've come this far. There's hardly enough room to swing a Katalian Ape, but you spot a small space at one end of the long counter, where one man is standing in the gloom, nursing a long glass of something. You push your way over, tripping over some octopod's legs and fall against the counter. The barman fills a tankard with something before you even order.

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# 218
 You take a cautious sip. The drink smells like an animal which died of something terrible, and it smells better than it tastes."Yeccch!"you retch.
 "That's terrible!"
 You turn to the guy at the end of the bar for confirmation. "Don't you think this stuff is terrible?"
 He doesn't move. "Actually,"he replies, "I think it's a fine drink. Won't you take another, and toast the Empire with me?"
 "I don't think so!" you reply assertively (the guy must be a nut to drink any more).
 "You won't drink to the Empire?" he asks, glowering at you; or, at least coming as close to a glower as you can wearing a full-face helmet."Or you won't drink with me?"
 Oh, oh. Isn't this conversation heading in a rather negative direction all of a sudden? "Actually -" you start, but he interrupts immediately.
 "Are you saying that you won't drink to the Empire with me... with Boba Fett?"

Jedi Dawn
# 231
 Just an average night out at Al's cantina. The man you turned from a name on the news reports into a deadly personal enemy is none other than Boba Fett. There are all kinds of stories about Fett which come back into your mind now that you have met him face-to-helmet; he's the most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, and one of the most deadly humans (if that's what he is) anywhere in the Empire, possibly excluding Darth Vader and a few other Imperial servants. His armour is loaded with concealed weapons and other devices - wrist lasers, flame-projector, rockst and grenade launchers. He has killed, enslaved or vanished thousands of people for money, and quite a few more for pleasure. No-one has ever seen his face, or knows anything else about him...
 Short of spitting in the Emperor's eye, there isn't anything you could have done more likely to get you killed than make an enemy out of Boba Fett.

Jedi Dawn
# 516
 If you answer: "You're not Boba Fett; he's much uglier than you", goto 129

Jedi Dawn
# 231
 The room goes chillingly quiet. Fett turns to face you. "Say that again," he whispers.
 You take a deep breath. "I said, you can't be Boba Fett, because I heard he's even uglier than you are."
 Behind you, you hear the sound of feet carrying their owners to some distant place of safety. Other than Fett, the barman is the only person you can see, and he is breaking all kinds of records at removing breakables and still managing to back off to the furthest depths of his bar.
 "Who are you, boy?" Fett asks. "Did Solo send you?"
 Solo? Who's he? "That's right," you reply, improvising quickly.
 Fett stiffens. "Is he here?" he murmurs tensely.
 "Close enough. He says he wants to talk. Outside, near the landspeeder repair shop, three blocks south."
 Fett puts down his drink and picks up his weapon in a single fluid movement. He prepares to leave, but pauses at your shoulder. "Next time I see you, messenger-boy, I'll kill you."
 You grin. "That's just what he said you'd say."
 Fett grips his blaster rifle even more tightly and leaves the room. The astonished sigh of relief from the other customers washes over you like a tidal wave.
 Al (the Alchemist) looks both relieved amd terrified. He pours another tankard of the slop and sets it in front of you. You eye it cautiously, and decide not to let it get any closer to your stomach than it is now.
 "Hey, Al. How long does it take to walk to that repair shop and back?"
 Al shrugs his shoulders. "Four minutes."
 You grab your belongings, and head for the door.

Jedi Dawn
# 129




Last Update 02/Apr/1999